Кошельки и транзакции команды
Last updated
Last updated
Team tokens wallet: 1,200,000 PORK (15% of supply) - 0x33b641e2a9656ddc005313794f01e7054b9abd02 PCF Treasury wallet: 5,600,000 PORK (70% of supply) - 0x86df84616da086e9fc7b17f621a60d0ca5914eb9 PigsCanFly LP Wallet: 0x44e79Ea5DF0d5433b52c4B25e9797Db9866e7c90
Locked PORK Liquidity: https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x44ff9c87a5508222f3e266e20a139ff491f85b9bd634964af80e89176350ec61 Treasury expenses: 4/21: Pork Liquidity added - 0.5e + 14,165 PORK > https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x4548b0a1a6289d2b23b23fa83dfa2d8803dca3a1c07a821cd31779e5e2a36e2f 4/22: Ponzu Initial Liquidity added - 0.42e + 248,000,000,000,000 PONZU > https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x462e73e5b5123b71691afb8dd73d0174988986972b254794b0eac4f414fe0715 4/23: Pork OTC Deal ($5k @ $0.449) - 11129.52 tokens + 20% bonus = 12254.8 PORK
4/23: Pork Liquidity added - 2.8e + 11339 PORK > https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x9657092bd1e4e0746ac3071462dbe2dc189d6ddfa0818a2e7e4a8dac95551195 4/23: Pork OTC Deal ($5k @ $0.6617) - 7557 tokens = 20% bonus = 9068 PORK 4/23: Pork Liquidity added - 2.69e + 7700 tokens > https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x5c4a29bebd2a133e0d993ba41563fce1f5f2cfefa3642433193bf53cddda1e2a
4/24: Pork OTC Deal ($5.5k @ $0.5635) - 9760 tokens + 20% bonus = 11712 PORK
4/24: Pork Liquidity added - 2.95e + 9550 PORK > https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x50e5870bd903235e6a46b1b8330cbc246df2ca1e2d6a6d8b79aa9a81ca2b86c2